Cosmetic Options

From XMBdocs
Revision as of 13:37, 8 September 2020 by Miqrogroove (talk | contribs)

In this section you can find more information about each setting within the "Administration Panel -> General -> Settings -> Cosmetic Options" area.

Sub-forums on index status:
This will enable or disable sub-forums display on index.

Spaced Categories Status:
This can be enabled or disabled. When enabled it places a space between each category. When disabled the categories are together.

Where should, in the forumlist, the tableheader be shown?:
This has three options. You can choose for it to show nowhere, on the top of the page only, or on all categories. What this option does is it adds a table above your forum saying the Forum, Topics, Posts, and the Last Post. When set to Nowhere this table will not show up. When set to Top of the page only the table will appear above your first category. When set to On all categories, the table will appear above every category.

Index Stats Bar Status:
This option will enable/disable the stats bar on index.

Quick Reply Status:
This option enables/disables the Quick Reply feature when viewing threads.

Quick Jump Status:
This option enables/disables the Quick Jump feature when selecting forums and categories in the header and footer.

Prevent Staff Post Editing?:
(To prevent staff from editing posts by other staff set status to ON) This option can be enabled or disabled. When enabled it allows anyone on staff to edit anyone else's posts. A moderator can Edit a Super Administrators post, as well as an Administrators and a Super Mods, where if turned off they can only edit other moderator's posts, and members.

Show thread subject in page title:
This option can be enabled or disabled. When enabled will show the current thread title in the tab of a browser window next to your forums name. When disabled it does not show the current thread name in the tab.

Categories Only On Main Page:
This option can be enabled or disabled. When enabled only the base Categories of your forum will display on the index page. All the forums and subforums will be hidden. When disabled all categories, Forums and subforums are displayed on the index page

Who's online in index status:
This option can be enabled or disabled. When enabled it shows a bar at the bottom of your index page saying who is currently online. When this option is disabled the bar goes away.

Who's online today status:
This option can be enabled or disabled. When enabled this allows you to see how many people have visited the site on that day. When disabled you cannot see who has visited your site today. Please note that if the Who's online in index status is disabled even if you enable this it will not show up.

Maximum number of members to show in who's online today on index:
This allows you to change the number of members to show on the Who's online today status. If you would only like to show the last 10 people that visited the site, set this number to 10. Please Note that if you have the Who's Online Today Status turned off placing a number here doesn't matter.

Total Visible Clickable Smilies:
This number is how many smilies you would like to show that can be used in making threads, replying to threads and making polls. This is normally set to 16, however if you have more smilies and would like to be able to use more of them just increase the number.

No. Clickable Smilies Columns:
This number is how many columns you would like. The default is 4 because the default of clickable smilies is 16. When you set your column number you will want to make sure that your Total Visible Clickable Smilies can be evenly divided. Unless you would like one column to have one or two less smilies.

'dot' Folders:
Do you want to show dots on folders for the users that have posted in them? The 'dot' folders show a thread that you, personally have posted in. The only time this option actually works is when the 'dot' folder graphics are different from the regular graphics.

'Edited by...:
Select "on" if you want the "edited by..." message to appear when a post has been edited. This option can be enabled or disabled. When enabled, when someone edits a post at the bottom of the post it will say [Edited on DATE by USERNAME] If you edit the post again the text will be there twice. When disabled it does not show up if the post has been edited by anyone.

Attached Images in Posts:
Do you want to show attachments that are images in the posts? This option can be enabled and disabled. When enabled image attachments will show up as the actual images. When disabled image attachments will simply be a link.